Back pain is one of the most common reasons for patients seeking help from medical organizations. Pain syndrome can accompany diseases that affect the spine, kidneys and other organs and systems. Back pain treatment and prevention includes both medications and non-medications. Premature provision of medical care can cause chronicity of the disease with the development of complications.
Back pain is a separate symptom, not a nosological entity. For example, lumbodynia is pain localized in the lumbar spine. In addition, concepts such as thoracalgia or neck pain are distinguished. The exact localization of the pathological symptom is necessary in order to choose the correct treatment tactics and the choice of preventive measures.
Pain is a pathophysiological condition that occurs in response to irritation of the pain receptors. It can occur as a result of direct damage to a tissue or organ or when exposed to unfavorable psychological factors (stress, anxiety, depression).
Back pain is a multidisciplinary practice in medical practice. This is due to the fact that the pain syndrome can occur due to the pathology of the musculoskeletal system, pelvic organs, retroperitoneal space (kidneys, pancreas, liver and others).
It should be noted that the pain syndrome can be accompanied by a deterioration in the patient's cognitive abilities: memory disorders, decreased concentration may appear.
In most cases, the appearance of back pain is a defense reaction of the body due to the influence of unfavorable factors. The most common cause of back pain is sciatica, herniated disc or spondylosis.
According to statistics provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), back pain is a concern for over 40% of the population. In some countries, this figure can reach 80%.
This problem can cause early patient disability. Furthermore, pain syndrome is a common cause of temporary disability among workers. That is why pathology is a problem not only in the medical sphere, but also in the economic sphere.
Most often, people of working age from 30 to 60 turn to the clinic for help. This is due to the fact that with age, pathological changes of a degenerative nature appear in the spine, as a result of which acute and chronic pain appears.
In addition, men suffer from the disease more often than women. This is due to the peculiarities of work, physical labor and other risk factors. According to statistics, pain appears much more often in the lumbosacral region.
Doctors explain this by the fact that it is on this part of the spine that physical activity exerts the greatest pressure.
Risk factors
Not only stress and exercise can cause the appearance of this pathology. The main risk factors include the following:
- working age from 30 years upwards;
- male;
- overweight and obesity (in which the body mass index exceeds 30);
- the presence of other pathologies (for example frequent migraines or diseases of the heart and blood vessels);
- static physical activity, which does not differ from each other in diversity;
- exposure to vibrations.
Additionally, smoking is considered a risk factor by some researchers. It is possible that a severe cough in a smoker could be an indirect cause of pain.
A neurologist, after a detailed examination and examination, establishes the nature of the pain. There are several classifications, among which the pain syndrome that occurs in the back is divided according to the place of onset of the pathology, duration, reasons and other characteristics.
In terms of duration, the following types of pain are distinguished:
- sharp,
- subacute,
- chronic.
Patients with acute pain are often treated on an outpatient basis. Its duration does not exceed 6 weeks. Subacute pain can last for 6 to 12 weeks. If the pathological syndrome disturbs the patient for 12 weeks or more, this pain is called chronic.
Acute and subacute pain most often, with proper treatment, leads to complete recovery. Chronic pain syndrome can cause the patient to suffer early disability. That is why at the first appearance of clinical signs of pathology, you should seek medical help from a doctor. To do this, you should undergo an initial consultation with a neurologist.
In terms of intensity, the following types of pain are distinguished:
- weak
- average,
- strong.
By the nature of back pain, there are:
- bursting,
- in pain,
- shot,
- pulling,
- stupid.
The nature of the pain depends on the pathology that caused the syndrome. So, with osteochondrosis, pulling pain concerns, which differs in irradiation to the lower extremities. With sciatica, excruciating pain appears, which is often one-sided.
According to the localization of back pain, there are:
- local (local),
- reflex,
- radiating.
Local pain occurs when the pathological focus is located directly in the back. The pain is caused by irritation, stretching, or other effects on the receptors located under the skin.
Local pain has its own characteristics. For example, after an injury in the lumbosacral region of the spine, the pain syndrome is constant. Its character can change with a change in the position of the body due to irritation of the receptors.
Reflex pain occurs with a pathology that affects the internal organs. Associated with the anatomical features of innervation. So, with the reflex type, pain occurs in the area of the dermatomes. The most common cause of back pain can be the pathology of the pancreas, uterus and its appendages.
Among the features of the reflex type of pain, the lack of connection with physical activity is distinguished. If, with a change in the position of the body with a local type of pain, the intensity of the symptom has increased, then in this case there is no connection.
Radiating pains are associated with irritation of a nerve or root. Also, in addition to the appearance of pain in the back, the patient may complain of a decrease in sensitivity, the appearance of goosebumps (paresthesias). Often, on examination, a neurologist can reveal pathological reflexes, which are also associated with impaired transmission of a nerve impulse.
Cause of back pain
Pain syndrome can manifest itself for several reasons:
- pathology of the musculoskeletal system (trauma, sprains, hypothermia and other external causes);
- diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, hernia);
- diseases affecting the organs of the retroperitoneal space (pathology of the gallbladder, pancreas and others);
- benign and malignant neoplasms;
- mental disorders (depression, anxiety, stress cause the psychogenic type of pain).
In addition, everyday problems can become the cause of the appearance of a pathological symptom. So, with an awkward posture in sleep after waking up, the patient may complain of pain in the neck or lumbar spine.
Vertebral pain
With this type of pain, pathological changes of a degenerative type are observed in the spine. Thus, the vertebral bodies, the intervertebral discs can be damaged. Very often, spinal pain can be associated with a disease affecting the joints.
According to statistics, patients seeking medical assistance complain of acute pain associated with damage to the spine. The cause can be a herniated disc, spondylosis or low back pain.
In less than 1% of all cases of visits to the doctor, neoplasms in the spine are detected. Metastasis of malignant tumors is rare, but they can also cause back pain of varying intensity.
Illness |
ICD-10 code |
Peculiarities |
Osteochondrosis |
M42 |
A disease in which the intervertebral discs and vertebrae are destroyed. Characterized by appearancepulling and short-term pains with irradiation.Exposure to external factors in the form of exercise or cough contributes to increased pain. |
Intervertebral hernia |
M51 |
A disease in which a swelling forms in the spinal canal. It seemsan acute pain syndrome that occurs when you cough, sneeze and exercise. |
Radiculitis |
M54. 1 |
A disease in which degenerative changes in the roots are observed. Characterized by appearanceaching pain associated with a change in body position or physical exertion. . . In addition to the pain syndrome, sensitivity disorders are added. |
discogenic lumbodynia |
M54. 4 |
A pathology characterized by the sudden onset of severe pain in the lumbar region of the spine.The pain is excruciating and very pronounced. |
spondylosis |
M47 |
A disease manifested by degenerative changes of the vertebrae. Has a chronic type, of course, pain while it hurts with irradiation in the lower limbs, neck. |
It should be noted that each disease has its own characteristics. That is why, during the diagnosis, attention should be focused not only on the anamnestic data, but also on the results of the examinations. For this, modern diagnostic instrumental methods are used, which allow not only to identify the pathological focus, but also to determine its boundaries and the degree of inflammation or destruction of the anatomical structures of the spine.
They are vertebrogenic causes that provoke the appearance of back pain. In addition to the diseases listed above, pain can occur during trauma and strains of the musculoskeletal system. So, with excessive physical exertion or weight lifting, sharp pain can suddenly appear.
Pain of non-vertebral origin
According to statistics, patients complain of pain of non-vertebral origin in no more than 2% of cases. This category includes diseases and somatic conditions in which back pain is present.
The most common diseases that provoke the appearance of pain syndrome are the pathology of the cardiovascular system, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and biliary tract. Among the first group are distinguished:
- occlusion of the arteries,
- exertional angina,
- aortic aneurysm (in the abdominal or thoracic region).
Among the second group:
- stomach ulcer,
- duodenal ulcer,
- cholelithiasis,
- dyskinesia of the biliary tract,
- inflammatory changes in the pancreas.
Cardiovascular disease often causes back pain. So, with angina pectoris, the patient is concerned about pain in the region of the heart, which radiates to the shoulder, arm or back. That is why, during an attack, patients can complain of back pain.
With angina pectoris, the pain syndrome has its own characteristics. First, the pain is overwhelming. Second, it appears behind the breastbone radiating to the back, arms, or shoulder. Thirdly, the pain syndrome disappears after the immediate administration of the drug. It should be noted that physical activity and stress provoke the appearance of an attack.
An aortic aneurysm is a splitting of a blood vessel that weakens and then swells. In this case, the patient, when seeking medical assistance, complains of the appearance of dull pain in the region of the heart with irradiation to the back and lower limbs. Symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, a sharp drop in blood pressure will also disturb. Back pain with aortic aneurysm can occur both with the thoracic localization of the pathological focus, and with the abdominal one.
It should be noted that pain in the aneurysm is not associated with physical activity. Instrumental methods are used to diagnose the disease. When an aneurysm is detected, treatment measures are immediately initiated, including the use of drugs and surgical methods.
Back pain can be caused not only by cardiovascular diseases. In diseases affecting the organs of the retroperitoneal space, patients may also complain of pain syndrome. This is due to the peculiarities of innervation - inflammatory and degenerative changes in this area provoke the appearance of back pain.
Back pain in pregnancy
Pregnancy is a physiological condition, however, the course can be accompanied by the appearance of pain and other unpleasant symptoms. This is due to changes in the position of the organs, hormonal changes, weight gain in the early and late stages.
During pregnancy, back pain can be caused by physiological and pathological changes.
Among the first group are:
- natural weight gain during pregnancy, which increases the load on the osteoarticular system;
- enlargement of the uterus with the formation of a "baby" place, where internal organs are displaced;
- a change in the center of gravity in late pregnancy, when the bottom of the uterus descends.
The immediate cause of back pain during pregnancy can be the preliminary period. It is characterized by the appearance of irregular contractions. In this case, due to the active work of the pelvic floor muscles, pain in the back and lower back may appear. However, due to the production of female sex hormones and oxytocin, a pregnant woman may not feel these pains.
However, the appearance of severe back pain during pregnancy can be an objective reason to seek advice from a gynecologist. If a condition is suspected, a pregnant woman may be asked to stay in the hospital for further observation.
The appearance of severe back pain during pregnancy can be the cause of a serious illness. This is due to the fact that during this period extragenital diseases in a woman can worsen. The most commonly diagnosed are pyelonephritis and cystitis. Also, the formation of stones in the gallbladder or biliary tract can cause pain.
An exacerbation of pyelonephritis or cystitis is associated not only with the entry of microbial flora into sterile organs. Most often, extragenital diseases are caused by irritation of the walls of the organs, hormonal changes during pregnancy. The stress that often accompanies pregnancy aggravates the symptoms.
Back pain with coronavirus
Coronavirus infection can also cause severe back pain. COVID-19 causes specific symptoms, including a sudden rise in temperature, an unproductive cough, chest pains, weakness, and fatigue. However, some patients also complain of back pain, which appeared along with the onset of coronavirus infection.
Among the main reasons are:
- exposure to toxins on the body;
- exacerbation of chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
- the emergence of new previously undiagnosed pathologies of the spine;
- viral radiculopathy.
Intoxication syndrome often accompanies diseases affecting the upper and lower respiratory tract. Its main clinical manifestations are weakness, fever, aches and pains. With coronavirus, as with other respiratory diseases, nonspecific back pain can appear. This is one of the manifestations of intoxication syndrome. With effective drug therapy, the intensity of pain decreases after a few days.
The body's active fight against infections can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Also, against the background of a respiratory disease, previously hidden pathologies may appear. This is why patients can be worried about back pain.
Among the main reasons, the appearance of viral radiculopathy is also distinguished. It can be associated not only with the formation of an intervertebral hernia. Radiculopathy is of concern when a viral agent causes inflammation or irritation of the roots of the spinal cord.
Diagnostic measures
If you have back pain, you should immediately seek help from a medical organization. To diagnose a disease in this area, you should visit a neurologist.
The specialist at the reception, after a detailed collection of anamnestic data, should conduct a neurological examination of the patient. In the information gathering phase, attention is paid to the following aspects:
- the first appearance of back pain;
- the connection of pain with physical activity;
- the presence of concomitant diseases;
- localization of pain syndrome;
- the duration of the pain;
- the appearance of other symptoms.
After collecting the anamnesis, the neurologist proceeds to the examination. At this stage, the specialist pays attention to the gait of the patient with pathology, the position of the spine, checks the presence or absence of reflexes.
To study the patient's gait, the neurologist asks the patient to walk a few meters in the office, as well as perform some tests. If, while walking, the patient cannot transfer the support to his leg, he performs unnecessary movements - this is one of the clear signs of a neurological disease.
In addition, the position of the spine must be evaluated. A neurologist pays attention to the presence or absence of kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis. The specialist evaluates with the help of tests the patient's response to irritation of reflexes.
When back pain occurs, the disease can be accompanied by a change in sensitivity. That is why a neurologist evaluates the tactile state, temperature and other types of sensitivity. Also, the specialist pays attention to the appearance of pathological sensations, for example, a sensation of creeping or tingling in the back.
After the examination, the neurologist can prescribe a number of additional studies. Instrumental examination is necessary when it is necessary to establish the exact localization of the pathological focus. Modern methods allow for a safe and painless examination, the results of which the patient receives after a few days.
To diagnose the causes of back pain, a neurologist may send a patient to undergo the following diagnostic measures:
- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI);
- computed tomography (CT);
- X-ray of the abdominal organs.
In some cases, additional tests may not be needed to make a diagnosis. After receiving the results of instrumental diagnostics, the neurologist chooses the optimal treatment tactics.
Back pain treatment
Treatment of acute or chronic back pain should be mandatory under the supervision of a physician. Independent use of drugs can lead not only to ineffective treatment, but also to the occurrence of complications of the disease. That is why it is recommended to consult a doctor from a specialist in case of back pain. After passing the diagnostic tests, the patient will be prescribed treatment based on the characteristics of the clinic, pathogenetic mechanisms and the course of the disease.
A few years ago, in medicine, when back pain appeared, it was recommended to observe strict bed rest. It is now no longer necessary to restrict the patient's movement. In addition, it is recommended to wear special bandages and use crutches or stilts when walking.
Modern back pain treatments rely on evidence-based medicine. They use not only drugs, but also non-drug methods of treatment.
The following groups of drugs are used as drug therapy in medical practice for back pain:
- non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- muscle relaxants to reduce muscle tone;
- analgesics.
The listed drug groups can be used both monotherapy and in combination to achieve a medicinal effect. Along with back pain medications, manual therapy is recommended.
In the event that the patient's pain syndrome is very pronounced, it will be necessary to limit daily activity and adhere to the recommendations of other doctors, but in general the level of previous physical activity should be maintained.
For chronic back pain, in addition to the listed methods of treatment, methods of physiotherapy exercises (physical therapy) can also be used. Additionally, a neurologist can recommend massage sessions. Particular attention is paid to cognitive-behavioral therapy together with the intake of antidepressants.
The duration of treatment is determined by a neurologist. In the event that the treatment was ineffective, you should change the drug group and conduct further research.
With timely diagnosis and correctly chosen treatment tactics, back pain can subside after a few weeks. In a chronic course, long-term remission can be achieved if the recommendations of the attending physician are followed.
In order to prevent the appearance of back pain, it is necessary to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and correctly distribute physical activity so as not to create an overload on various parts of the spine. In addition, concomitant diseases should be diagnosed and treated in a timely manner.